I have taken the Green Dining NV Pledge
Green Dining NV is committed to reducing the impact it and others have on the environment through its operational and green dining initiatives. To become a truly sustainable community, Green Dining NV needs help from you — the locals, visitors, restaurants, staff, and partners.
Take the pledge and support sustainable dining in your community: register to receive green dining tips, the first scoop on green events, and notifications for new green-friendly restaurant.
In taking the Community Sustainability Pledge, you can make a personal commitment to sustainable living and dining by incorporating these tips into your everyday routine.
The pledge contains six items and takes approximately two minutes to complete.
By taking the pledge, you will automatically be subscribed to the sustainability newsletter, which will allow you to stay up to date on sustainability news, events, and jobs in the the community!
- Our activists do what they can to fight animal degradation
- We encourage you to help us prevent these tragedies in the future
- Regular donations will help us carry on with the mission
Staying strong and united for our mission is important. Without your support, we are not able to carry on and fight for wildlife preservation. Spread the word so people know what you’re planning. Set up an event, send out invitations, and message everyone you know. Let’s make a difference today!
Here, at our support center we are willing to throw all our resources to fight for a cause, but the signed petitions really do open new opportunities. One voice can make a difference. One signature takes us to another level of problem solving. Contact us for more information on this matter, or any other petition from the online list.
%%your signature%%